Check with your bank before you leave as soon as possible as different banks charge different fees for using an international ATM.
Most ATM’s require that you have a “smart” credit or debit card with a chip. You also must have a 4 digit pin. More and more US credit companies are providing cards with chips.
Before departure take enough local currency for the first day or two.
Take a couple $100 bills for emergencies.
If you will be paying large bills ask your bank to increase you daily cash withdrawal limit multiple withdrawals from the same ATM or from several ATMs in that case.
It's very simple. Use your debit/ATM card to make cash withdrawals. Don't use it to make purchases. There is a chance that if there will be a security breach and you won’t have the same protection you will have using a credit card. You will also miss out on your credit cards buyers remorse program if you want to return the item.
To outsmart any pick pockets lurking about don’t keep all your money and credit cards in the same place. Women can tuck a couple into the secret inside pocket in most pocketbooks, put a couple in a hidden spot in your carryon luggage. And when you leave your hotel room use the safe that may be provided in the room.
Lot’s of people use a money belt or device that hangs around their neck and is concealed under their clothing to protect their valuables.
Women should only use cross body pocket/bags that can’t be easily grabbed by a brazen thief on a motor bike.
Do contact your bank and credit card companies and inform them about your travel prior to leaving home. If you don’t they may cut off the functionality of your cards assuming that they have been stolen. Let them know which countries you are traveling to so you won’t be left with no access to money.